Invitation to bid: Framework agreement for audit services

A call for tender for audit services relating to the EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014 and 2004-2009 launched by the Financial Mechanism Office - the secretariat of the EEA and Norway Grants - is now open.

  • Deadline for submission of bids is 31 July 2015 at 12 (noon) CET. 
  • Contract period: September 2015 to December 2019. 
  • Questions as to the documents must be e-mailed to Ms Elise Oukka, Head of Finance and Control, e-mail: and to Ms Anita Klecha, Financial Controller, e-mail: no later than 15 days before the closing date for receipt of the tenders.

You can find more detailed information in the Terms of Reference, Tender Instructions and Annexes below:


Answers to questions following the call for tender for audit services relating to the EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014 and 2004-2009 launched by the Financial Mechanism Office on 1 June 2015

Question 1:

Can you please provide an indication or rough estimate of how many audits can be expected to be launched on a yearly basis? Can you please inform us how many audits were conducted in 2014, for example?

FMO reply: Approximately 20-30 audits are planned per year.


Question 2:

Will audits be launched as individual assignments, or in batches of assignments?

FMO reply: In principle,there will be individual assignments.


Question 3:

How will the information provided in “Attachment 5: Price Matrix” be evaluated? Will a calculation be made based on the information provided per country and expert category (e.g. through a hypothetical scenario)?

FMO reply:

The evaluation of the information provided in Annex 5 will take into account the prices per hour for all expert categories and for all the countries mentioned therein.