Greece multiplies projects under the EEA Grants

Greece increases national co-financing of all projects to 50 %, making it possible to support 50 projects under the EEA Grants.

Following the large number of projects submitted under the open call for project proposals this spring, Greece decided on 10th November to increase the level of national co-financing from the planned 40 % to 50 %. This is the second time Greece steps ups its support to the EEA and Norway Grants projects, after the ministry of Economy and Finance, which acts as the National Focal Point in Greece, earlier this autumn increased co-financing from 20 % to 40 % of total project costs.

Through the EEA and Norway Grants, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway offer grant rates up to 85 %. Project promoters normally cover the remaining project costs, though in Greece the national authorities have decided to co-finance all projects.

As a result of the €23.7 million additional funding, the number of projects receiving support in Greece will increase significantly. An estimated 50 projects will be awarded grants within the now €61.7 million project allocation in Greece.

Of the 412 projects submitted under the Greek open call, held from January to May this year, 50 have been shortlisted by the Greek Focal Point for further assessment by the donors. The shortlisted project proposals include a wide variety of activities, among others efforts to regenerate forest areas ravaged by wildfires, conservation of water resources, as well as protection of coastal habitats.