Great interest in the Latvian NGO programme

A total of four hundred and forty entities applied for funding from the Latvian NGO-programme. The applications have now been screened and the first decision regarding who will receive funding will be made in July.


It is the Council of the Society Integration Foundation who operates the Latvian NGO-programme and after an initial screening, the organisation has now decided on 279 project proposals that will be included in the second round of the application process.

For the current funding period, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have allocated around €146 million to strengthen civil society in the 15 beneficiary countries of the Grants. Promoting democratic values, including human rights and good governance, combating discrimination, intolerance, gender inequality and social exclusion are important goals. At least 10% of the funding is targeted to children- and youth-driven organisations and/or activities.

For Latvia, the allocation to the civil society programme is more than €10 million. The programme aims to promote increase of welfare, strengthen democratic values and respect for human rights in Latvia. The funding is split into two categories: one for capacity building-measures for NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and one for specific projects carried out by NGOs.  Decisions regarding which projects will receive funding will be made in July and September respectively.