Grants for environment and climate change education

Environmental and climate change education in Poland is getting a boost from the EEA and Norway Grants. Through the scholarship and training fund programme, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway will increase awareness of environmental issues and climate change among students, graduates and employees.

Studies in Poland Caption: Students from the Warsaw University of Technology received support from the Polish Scholarship Fund.

Education is an essential element of our response to climate change. It helps us to understand the impact of global warming, it encourages changes in attitudes and behaviour, and helps us to adapt to climate change. The grants can fund activities looking at different environmental issues from hazardous waste to biodiversity.

Who can apply for funding?

The call is open to all academic disciplines. The eligible applicant must be a Polish Higher Education Institution and partners can include any organisation involved in education from schools through to universities, private sector enterprises and social partners. Read the full description of the call text.

What is supported?

The following kinds of activities are supported under this call:

  • development of study programmes in English (as a language of instruction);
  • development of joint study programmes (at bachelor, master or doctoral level) leading to a double diploma;
  • development of new, innovative study programmes, responding to new needs and challenges emerging at the national or European level;
  • preparation of a new course, module, specialization, study programme;
  • establishment of two-cycle study programmes based on learning outcomes, with ECTS as an accumulation system;
  • development of quality culture, including internal systems for Quality Assurance;
  • development of study programmes in cooperation with enterprises.

Bilateral cooperation

Partnership between Polish and Norwegian institutions is obligatory for projects aiming at the development of joint study programmes. For other types of projects the partnership with donor countries will be optional, but is strongly encouraged.


€ 5 049 182

When is the application deadline?

27 May 2014.

Read more about this call on the website of the Polish programme operator.

Development of Polish Higher Education Institutions

Scholarship and Training Fund programme