Grants for Czech - EEA EFTA research cooperation

On 14 September, the Czech Research Support Fund launched an open call for grants to researchers in or from the Czech Republic, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

The call for proposals is earmarked bilateral expert exchanges. Researchers whose nationality, place of residence or registered office is in the Czech Republic, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway can now apply for grant support to finance study visits, attendance at conferences and events.
Czech researchers can take part in activities organised in the EEA EFTA states, and EEA EFTA nationals can participate in events in the Czech Republic.
Eligible applicants must be engaged in research within one of the Research Support Fund`s priority sectors:
• Conservation of European cultural heritage
• Protection of the environment
• Human resource development
• Healthcare
• Promotion of sustainable development
• Children`s living conditions
Grants up to €15,000 will be awarded to projects lasting up to 4 months. Applications can be submitted to the fund intermediary, the National Training Fund, until 19 November 2009.
The €4.8 million Czech Research Support Fund was set up to support and strengthen cooperation between academic communities in the Czech Republic and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Further information about the application process and the Research Support Fund is available in the open call text and at the websites and