Under the NGO programme in Hungary the three donor states, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have allocated in total €12.6 million to support the Hungarian civil society. Economic crisis has led to cuts in state funding that affect civil society in Hungary. NGOs are suffering from these financial constraints and struggling to develop their capacity, enhance their advocacy role, and improve the provision of much-needed services.
The programme aims to achieve a more resilient and developed civil society in Hungary to be able to defend the most vulnerable groups in society and to contribute to sustainable and democratic development.
Democracy and human rights
Under the open call for proposals both medium (€ 20,000-70,000) and micro (€ 1,500-20,000) projects are supported in the following thematic areas:
(1) democracy and human rights,
(2) gender and equal opportunities,
(3) community and organizational development,
(4) youth and children issues,
(5) environment and sustainable development,
(6) provision of welfare and basic service to vulnerable groups,
(7) empowerment of vulnerable groups, including Roma.
Applications must be submitted in a two-phase process in both categories: after the evaluation of the short project concepts the applicants approved for the 2nd phase can submit a detailed application. First phase applications may be submitted on-line until 27 February, 2014.
Partnership may increase funding
An important goal of the NGO fund is to strengthen and develop bilateral partnerships with organisations from the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to exchange best practices and experiences. If a project proposal includes one or more partners from the donor states, the maximum eligible grant amount can be increased by an additional maximum 10%. The additional funding may only be used to cover the direct costs of international cooperation.
Visit the website www.ngonorway.org for partner search guidance and a database of potential partners.
More information
For more details and all necessary conditions for applying, please visit the website of the NGO fund operator.
Read more about the NGO programme in Hungary.
Learn more about projects already supported under the NGO programme in Hungary:
Other open calls for proposals for Hungarian NGOs under the programme
Funding for actions against hate speech