Estonia NGO Fund: Open call for small-scale capacity building projects

Estonian NGOs may apply for small-scale grants for capacity building activities until 10 December 2012. 


The Estonian NGO Fund has an ongoing call for small-scale grants to capacity building projects.

Eligible projects include projects which bring new knowledge, skills and people to civil society; strengthen good governance, raise financial capacity or professional skills of NGOs or foster mutual learning and dissemination.

The size of the available grants is 5000 to 7,500 euro for each project. The total budget of the open call is 137,500 euro.

According to NGO Fund coordinator Maris Jõgeva, of the Open Estonia Foundation, the available funding for capacity building is well-targeted to the needs of the Estonian civil society.

"Small-scale capacity building grants of the NGO Fund are targeted to face the challenges of civil society in Estonia. It is important that NGOs take time to think about how to act more effectively and have a greater impact in society. NGO Fund encourages growth and openness to new ideas, involving more people and building cooperation.“

Information about the terms for applying, eligibility criteria, forms and guidelines is available on the web-site of programme operator Open Estonia Foundation: in English and in Estonian.

The total budget of the Estonian NGO programme is 2.3 million euro. The NGO fund was launched in June 2012.