Estonia NGO Fund launches call for proposals

Civil society organisations can submit their applications until 15 September deadline.

The €2.3 million NGO fund in Estonia awards small-scale grants to Estonian NGOs and social partners within the focus areas democracy and civil society, environment and sustainable development, and social integration and local development. So far, the EEA and Norway Grants have supported 125 Estonian NGO projects through the fund.

According to Maris Jõgeva, the fund coordinator, support is provided to projects by non-governmental organisations motivated to contribute in the society in a more visible and professional way, e.g. by a better involvement of members and volunteers, widening their field of activities, developing a more efficient media strategy, improving leadership capacities or building networks for stronger advocacy.

On 17 July close to €0.5 million was made available in the fund`s fifth open call for project proposals. Applications can be submitted until 15 September. One further call is envisioned. All project activities need to be completed by 31 January 2011.

Application forms and further information about the open call can be found at the website of fund intermediary Open Estonia Foundation. The full open call text is available here.

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are supporting the Estonian NGO fund with €2.1 million, with the Estonian government providing the remaining ten percent of the fund.