Ensuring sustainable use of protected areas

To discuss the challenges of sustainable use of protected areas, close to 300 experts from across Europe are meeting in Lisbon 29-30 April. Best practice examples from Iceland, Norway and Portugal are presented at the seminar.

‘Protected Areas – Brands and Management Models’ conference in Lisbon 29-30 April 2015. Photo: National Focal Point, Portugal

The international seminar ‘Protected Areas – Brands and Management Models’ aims to promote knowledge exchange between the entities involved in environmental protection, and the search of innovative solutions regarding the management of protected areas.

More than 30 speakers from Portugal, Iceland, Norway, Estonia and other countries in Europe and beyond will share their experiences and discuss the challenges of sustainable development in these natural areas. Participants will discuss promotion on nature tourism, how protected areas can be an economic development opportunity and the strengthening of local economy and making best use of the protected areas.

Promoting products and services from protected areas
The seminar is organised is in line with the Natural.PT brand an initiative of the Portuguese Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy (MAOTE) through the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry, IP (ICNF). Natural.PT aims for an integrated promotion of the territory and the products and services produced in protected areas and its surroundings, which share the values and principles of sustainability, nature, and making best use of local resources.

The international seminar is funded through the fund for bilateral cooperation in Portugal supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants.

Competition launched
During the event the Natural.PT Awards 2015 will be presented. The competition aims at recognizing good practice initiatives that promote sustainable development in the National Network of Protected Areas (RNAP). The award is an initiative of the Ministry for Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy (MAOTE) through the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry IP (ICNF) sponsored by the EEA Grants fund for bilateral relations at national level and support from WWF Portugal.

Cash prizes will be awarded in the amount of € 1,000 to the best work. The period for submission of applications runs from April 30 to June 14, 2015, and is open to all members of Natural.PT, over 18 years old.

Read more on the event website

Read more about the EEA Grants programmes in Portugal