The 6th FRP meeting in Vienna, 25-26 April 2013, is an opportunity for the over 200 participants from civil society organisations and fundamental rights institutions to come together to raise awareness, discuss and share good practices on topics from equality, non-discrimination and hate crime to social media.
The event organised by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, FRA, also creates opportunities for networking and further cooperation between actors engaged in the promotion of fundamental rights.
The EEA and Norway Grants host one of thirty interactive workshops:“The floor is yours”
Support to civil society is one of the key priorities of the EEA and Norway Grants. The workshop will give participants a general overview of the areas of support of the Grants, including the recently-launched campaign against online hate speech by the Council of Europe, in which the Grants are a strategic partner.
Moreover, the Human Rights Monitoring Institute, one of the Grants Operators, will present specific activities supported in the EEA Programme in Lithuania.
Find out more about the FRP and the meeting here.
Read more about our support to civil society and what we do to combat hate speech.