The selected areas for the sport complexes are located in the outskirts of Poznañ to benefit certain underprivileged districts struggling with high levels of social challenges. Although adjacent to local schools, the sport activity zones will be open to all children.
“The project does not only include the construction of football fields and playgrounds, but also purchasing of sports equipment and hiring of staff responsible for organising after-school activities and ensuring safety,” said project leader Danuta £abudziñska of the City Hall.
As soon as the first sport complex opened, the playground and sports field at the Complex of Schools with Integration Departments no. 2 were packed with children eager test the new facilities. The sport fields were inaugurated with a football tournament among teams from the five schools, with the home team benefiting from a big crowd of supporters cheering their local talents.
Around 10 percent of the 700 pupils at the school benefiting from the first sport complex are disabled, and the dance show held at the opening by the school’s Integration Club of Polish Dances clearly demonstrated that physical disabilities are no hindrance for being able dancers. The children and their families had also joined forces to prepare home -made food for the opening.
Among those present at the opening were the President of Poznañ, Ryszard Grobelny, school director El¿bieta Walkowiak and Sidsel Bleken of the Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw. In her speech, Bleken underlined the importance of the physical activity programmes within the project. “Involving parents, teachers and others from the local community in organising sports activities is inspiring for the children and shows them that grown-ups take interest in their life and care for them,” she said.
The importance of physical activity for children was echoed by many of those participating at the opening. “My husband and I are thrilled with having a new open access recreation area so close to our home where our children can play and spend time in an active way. We will encourage them to come here as often as possible,” said one of the mothers present at the inauguration.
To find out more about the project run a search for PL0044 in the project database.