The subsidiarity principle is a strong feature in the set-up of the EEA Grants in the Czech Republic, with the country’s fourteen regions deciding in 2005 whether their allocations in the first round of funding should be open to competition through an open call for proposals, or whether they would present a project or programme idea of their own. The Zlín region opted for a cultural heritage programme, and launched their open call for proposals for support to sub-projects after having the programme approved by the donor states in May this year.
Zlín region will use the €600,000 in support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to preserve valuable cultural heritage in the region and make cultural sites more accessible to the public. The region will contribute with the remaining 15% of the costs of the programme.
Eligible applicants include municipalities, regional administrations and units of the state administration. Institutions may apply for funding until 14 January 2008.
Further details can be found in the open call text, and by running a search for CZ0024 in the EEA Grants project database.