Czech 10 million NGO fund established by EEA Grants

A €10-million fund to support Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) was launched at a well-attended seminar in the Czech capital Prague on Wednesday, 14 June, representing the first such approved fund under the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism that have been established by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

The Czech NGO-fund will focus its support on three main areas: human rights and a multicultural society, disadvantaged children and youth, and protection of the environment. The fund will make grant support available to NGO applicants through three calls for proposals over the next three years.

The Czech non-profit foundation Nadace Rozvoje Občanské Společnosti (NROS) will administer the fund, including organising the calls for proposals and the evaluation of applications, for a management fee of up to €700,000, meaning that at least €9.3 million will be used for direct grant assistance to the NGO community.

NGO-funds are planned in 10 beneficiary states of the financial mechanisms at a total value of around €70 million, which will make the three donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway among the largest supporters of civil society development in Central-Europe.