Christmas at the Disabled Childrens Centre in Zamosc

Christmas is a special time of the year for the children at the Disabled Children’s Centre in Zamosc, Poland, which has undergone an extensive renovation thanks to support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.


The main hall of the Disabled Children's Centre has been adorned with a beautiful Christmas tree, whilst the children are busy preparing the Jaselka; a traditional Polish Christmas play retelling the story of the nativity. The performance will be staged on 18 December, and many guests and friends of the Disabled Children's Centre look forward to attending.

The children will sing Christmas carols, and the lucky winners of the Centre's Christmas card competition will be announced. When the performances are over and the Christmas card competition winners have been announced, children and staff will gather around the table for 12-dish Christmas meal consisting of, among other things, herrings, red beetroot soup and cabbage with peas. The 12 dishes symbolise the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ.

Afterwards, children and staff will share traditional Polish Christmas wafers; thin white wafers with nativity scenes stamped upon them. The Christmas wafer is traditionally broken up and shared with family members.

Therapeutic services free of charge
The Disabled Children's Centre is a therapeutic centre catering to children with neurological handicaps such as cerebral palsy and is the only service of its kind in Southeast Poland. The Centre offers rehabilitation, education and social support for disabled children of all ages, free of charge.

Read more about the project.

Photo credit: 'Step by Step' Association of Help for Disabled Children in Zamosc.