Championing civil society

New funding opportunities for NGOs in Bulgaria are now available. Calls for proposals are also open for NGOs in the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia.


The EEA and Norway Grants are one of the prime funding schemes for civil society in Central and Southern Europe. This funding comes at a time where resources for NGOs are often scarce and inadequate. The economic crisis has also led to increased inequalities and social tensions.

To counter these tendencies and to strengthen civil society, the EEA and Norway Grants have set more than €150 million in all our beneficiary countries.

In addition to new calls that have recently opened in Bulgaria the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Slovakia, there are also open calls in Hungary, Greece and Romania (see links below).

Improving the capacity of Bulgarian NGOs

The second call for proposals under the Bulgarian NGO programme supports micro, small, medium and large projects in following thematic areas:

  • Democracy, human rights and good governance;
  • Social inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable groups;
  • Sustainable development and protection of the environment, and;
  • Capacity building for NGOs.

Entities from the donor countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway – are eligible as projects partners. NGOs from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey are also eligible partners under this specific call. This also applies to intergovernmental organisations. 

Read the full call text for more information on activities, selection and eligibility criteria, amounts available, and partnership possibilities.

Read more about Bulgarian NGO projects receiving support from the first call for proposals on our project portal

Protecting vulnerable groups in the Czech Republic

The first rounds of calls for proposals have recently opened under the Czech NGO programme. The programme supports projects and activities in the following sub-categories:

  • Protection of human rights and multiculturalism;
  • Gender equality;
  • Strengthening  civil society, democracy mechanisms and transparency;
  • Children and youth at risk;
  • Social inclusion, and;
  • Environmental protection and climate change

The application deadline is 24 March, 2014.

Read the complete call text for more detailed information on activities, selection and eligibility criteria, amounts available, and partnership possibilities.

Partnership between Czech NGOs and organisations from the donor countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are encouraged. Funds are also available for preparations of joint proposals and preparatory visits through the fund for bilateral cooperation.

The application deadline for this call is 1 October, 2014.

Read the complete call text for more detailed information on activities, selection and eligibility criteria, amounts available, and partnership possibilities.

Supporting active citizenship in Lithuania

Under the Lithuanian NGO programme, the second calls for proposals are now open in following thematic fields:

  • Democracy and good governance including promotion of democratic values, enhancement of participatory democracy and active citizenship, as well as promotion of good governance, access to information and transparency;
  • Human rights;
  • Vulnerable groups including provision of welfare and basic services to e.g. children and youth at risk, people affected by HIV/AIDS, children with disabilities and/or mental disorders in their families and victims of trafficking and gender‐based violence and/or domestic violence, and;
  • Protection of the environment and climate change

Increased bilateral cooperation between Lithuanian NGOs and organisations from the donor countries is a key priority.

Both small and large projects are supported. The application deadline for small projects is 31 March, 2014. The application deadline for submitting large project is 7 March.

Read the complete call text for more detailed information on activities, selection and eligibility criteria, amounts available, and partnership possibilities.

Democracy and anti-discrimination among Slovak priorities

Funding is now available for a wide range of activities for Slovak NGOs. The activities are carried out in the following areas:

  • Democracy, good governance and transparency;
  • Human rights, including minority rights;
  • Gender equality and gender-based violence, and;
  • Anti-discrimination, combating of racism and xenophobia

The application deadline for a letter of intent is February 20, 2014. The application deadline for the application is 5 May, 2014. 

Read the complete call text for more detailed information on activities, selection and eligibility criteria, amounts available, and partnership possibilities.

Partnerships between Slovak NGOs and entities from the Donor countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are encouraged. Funds for bilateral cooperation are available to facilitate and support the development of these partnerships. Financial support, like travel expenses, may be provided for the identification, support and development of bilateral partnerships.

The application deadline for partner identification is 20 February, 2014.   

The application deadline for bilateral project implementation is 5 May, 2014.

The application deadline for bilateral cooperation is 15 December, 2015.

Read the complete call text for more detailed information on activities, selection and eligibility criteria, amounts available, and partnership possibilities.

Other open calls for proposals for NGOs

Calls are currently also open under the NGO programmes in the following countries:

Follow new calls for proposals under our NGO programmes here

More information

Visit the website for partner search guidance and a database of potential partners.

Read more about our support to the civil society by visiting our NGO programme page

Read about projects already receiving funding from the NGO programme