Capital clean up campaign in Warsaw

The city of Warsaw is organising an environmental awareness program for its inhabitants, focusing on recycling and waste management. Less than 40% of Warsaw households have systems for waste segregation and recycling.


The EEA Grants supports the project "Warsaw - the capital of cleanliness", which is run by the City of Warsaw's Environment Protection Department in cooperation with the Waste Management Authority of the City of Oslo.

The project aims to raise environmental awareness by encouraging the public to recycle plastic, paper, glass and electrical waste. Special emphasis is placed on including children and young people through educational campaigns and competitions in Warsaw schools. This year, the city will include 36,000 pupils in organising the Warsaw recycling days.

A number of recycling points has now been set up throughout the city and electrical waste from all districts of the city is collected every week. In addition, municipal pharmacies have set up a system for returning old drugs and medicines. Next year, the project will organise a conference for local authorities in Poland, as well as national campaigns on recycling plastic, paper and glass.

The project also aims to educate the wider public about the common responsibility for keeping the city's streets and meeting places safe and clean. Billboards encouraging dog owners to clean up after their dogs have been set up throughout the city, and more than 500,000 dog waste bags have been distributed.