Call for proposals: halting loss of biodiversity in Poland

A call for proposals for projects on halting the loss of biodiversity in Poland is now open. The deadline for submitting an application is June 17.


Loss of biodiversity is an important environmental challenge for Europe. To help tackle this, the Grants are supporting programmes for halting the loss of biodiversity in seven EU countries. As a part of this effort, a call for projects on halting biodiversity is now open in Poland.

More information on the Grants’ efforts to halt biodiversity can be found here.

Who can apply?

Both Polish public and private entities as well as non-governmental organisations can apply for funding. Partnerships with institutions from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are encouraged.

What is supported?

Projects contributing to reaching one or more of the following goals are eligible for funding:

  • Increased capacity of management and monitor of Natura 2000 sites effectively;
  • Increased protection of native ecosystems against invasive alien species;
  • Increased awareness of and education in biodiversity and ecosystem services,  including awareness of and education in the linkage between biodiversity and climate change, and economic valuation of ecosystems;
  • Increased capacity within environmental NGOs promoting biodiversity.

When is the application deadline?

Applications must be submitted by 03.00 pm 17 June 2013.

Further information as well as the call documents can be found here