Universities and researchers can now submit applications for grants from the Spanish scholarship programme “NILS – Science and Sustainability”. Run by the Complutense University of Madrid, the programme aims to increase cooperation between educational and research institutions in Spain with counterpart bodies in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Promoting student mobility and enhancing cooperation in research are Europe-wide goals. Under the programme, up to 100 students will have a chance to live abroad and study in a university in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, while researchers from Spain and the three donor countries can apply for grants to fund joint research activities and exchanges.
The programme will give many Spanish university students their first chance to live and thrive abroad. There's everything to gain from taking part, from improving your CV to acquiring an international network of new friends.
Who can participate?
The open calls cover:
- Student mobility - applications may be submitted by public and private Spanish universities. Students (Spanish undergraduate or masters level) wishing to study in Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway as part of their degree course apply for a grant directly to an awarded institution. The programme is linked to the EU's ERASMUS scheme and applicant institutions must hold an ERASMUS University Charter. Grant amounts will range from €600 to €1 200 per month with minimum stay of 3 months and maximum 11 months.
- Researcher (individual and teams) mobility - applications may be submitted by Spanish public or private higher education institution or university, or by a public research institution, in cooperation with a partner institution in Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway. Priority will be given to research focused on sustainable development issues, including climate change, migration flows, natural resources and health.
- Preparatory visits - applications may be submitted by a public or private higher education institution or university, or by a public research institution from Spain or Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway. The grants are available to help establish contacts between prospective partner institutions.
Strengthening bilateral ties
The programme is based on bilateral partnerships between higher education and research institutions in Spain and the three donor countries. The programme partners in the three donor countries will be closely involved - Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS), Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) and Liechtenstein’s National Agency for International Education Affairs (AIBA).
How to apply?
Interested in applying? You can find out all the information you need about eligibility criteria, how to apply and who to contact here.
- Application deadline for preparatory visits is 30 June, 2014
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