Appearing in the film, Mohamed-Zanussi-Bah, bus driver in Warsaw, said: "There are some people who don't like other people's clothes, hairstyle or skin colour. They might not like it. There are such people. But there are many people in the world."
Directed by award winning documentary maker Cezary Ciszewski, the short film 'Bus to Democracy' portrays some of the individuals whose lives have been touched by the Polish NGO fund. The film was made on behalf of fund operator Co-operation Fund Foundation, and features examples of projects that have received financial support under the focus area 'democracy and civil society'. While the community of Orelec saved its school in dire need of renovation from closure, Warsaw high school students have taken part both in a campaign attacking xenophobia, racism and discrimination and in complimentary drama and theater workshops.
According to Bartosz Mielecki of the the Co-operation Fund Foundation, the film 'Bus to democracy' presents a small picture of the wide spectrum of projects supported under the Polish NGO Fund. "In a fun way, the film inspires individuals and civil society organisations to act. Everybody is invited to hop on the bus and contribute towards strenghtening democracy and civil society", he said.
A boost for civil society
The €41.5 million NGO Fund in Poland is the largest of the 18 NGO funds supported under the EEA and Norway Grants. Since the fund was launched in April 2007, around 3800 applications have been submitted for NGO projects, and the fund is set to support more than 500 projects in the coming years.
Due to the considerable size and scope of the Polish NGO fund, the three focus areas are managed by two organisations with ties to civil society and the areas of intervention. The Co-operation Fund Foundation is responsible for the focus area of democracy and civil society. Environmental protection and sustainable development as well as equal opportunities and social integration are managed by Ecorys.
"Looking at the number of applications we have received, you can see that the NGO sector was waiting for an opportunity like this. The establishment of these funds was so important and so necessary for them," Bartosz Mielecki, fund coordinator for the component for democracy and civil society, said. Rafal Szakalinis, fund coordinator at ECORYS Polska, echoed this: "Although funding opportunities for the Polish NGO community exist, these funds are unique in both size and duration," he said.
- For further information on the Polish NGO fund: click here.
- For more information on the Polish NGO Fund and its supported activities, see the fund's web page.