The Polish Scholarship fund has launched a €250,000 open call for individual mobility grants. Funding is available to cover individual study visits of up to two weeks, including a lump sum to cover living expenses, the cost of travel and insurance costs.
Doctoral candidates and young researchers as well as representatives of higher educational institutions in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Poland may apply for grants. The open call is addressed in particular to individuals and institutions that have already implemented projects under the Polish scholarship fund, but is also open for individuals who have not benefited from or taken part in activities under the fund in the past.
Grants may finance:
- Individual study visits of Polish and donor country citizens that are representatives of institutions active in the higher educational institutions sector;
- Individual study visits of representatives of educational institutions in Poland and in the donor countries (active in the primary and secondary school sector, HEIs, vocational sector and adult education sector).
Detailed information on the application procedure, application forms and guides for applicants are available on the web site of the Scholarship and Training Fund. The deadline for applying is on 18 July 2011.