2009-14 regulations to be finalised early 2011

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are concluding the review of comments from the beneficiary states on the regulations for the 2009-14 funding period. The regulations are planned to be adopted early 2011.


In June this year, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway reached agreement with the EU on financial contributions of €988.5 million through the EEA Grants in the period 2009-14, while Norway will contribute an additional €800 million through the Norway Grants. According to the agreements, the three EEA EFTA States are charged with agreeing a set of rules governing the funding, which needs to be consulted with the 15 beneficiary states before adoption.

The consultation in respect of this regulatory framework was initiated on 9 September 2010 at a seminar in Brussels on the new grant schemes attended by representatives of the donor states and the beneficiary states. The final deadline for the beneficiary states to provide views and positions on the regulation was at the end of October.

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are finishing their review of the comments submitted by the beneficiary states and the input from the specific NGO consultation. The contributions are important for shaping the regulation in a manner that makes for efficient implementation of programmes and projects.

Once adopted, the regulation will be published on www.eeagrants.org, and close cooperation will be initiated between the FMO and the Focal Points in operationalising the rules. Formal adoption has been pending the conclusion of the ratification of Protocol 38B in all three donor states and in the EU.

Photo: Civil Society Development Foundation (NROS).