How to apply
Do you want to apply for EEA and Norway Grants funding but don‘t know what steps to take? The following section answers some key questions about the Grants and how to apply.
Where do we work?
We fund projects in 15 countries in Europe. This means you need to be based in one of them in order to apply. The countries are:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary*, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. In addition to this, the Fund for Youth Employment accepts projects with partners from Ireland, Italy and Spain. The fund for Regional Cooperation accepts projects from Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.
Applications from other countries are not accepted.
*No programmes will be implemented in Hungary under the EEA and Norway Grants during the 2014-2021 funding period. Entities in Hungary do however receive support under the fund for Youth Employment and the Fund for Regional Cooperation and may be eligible as project partners within programmes in the other Beneficiary States
What is funded
We fund a large variety of topics, ranging from climate change and energy to cultural cooperation and civil society support. However, we do not cover all of them in every country. Instead, we prioritise the funding to what is most relevant in each country. This means that in order to be eligible for funding, your project idea needs to fit into one of the programmes in your country and contribute to its overall objective.
Have a look at the overview of supported topics to see whether your idea could be funded.
When & how to apply
Whenever funding becomes available, we announce it through official calls. Each call includes information on what kind of activities are funded, who can apply, the application deadline and all application instructions. It’s important to remember that all project applications need to be submitted through these calls – we do not accept spontaneous applications via email or phone.
If you are from Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway, you cannot apply directly for funding but you can participate as a partner. Read our partnership guide for more information.
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