Workshop: Fighting anti-Semitism and hate speech

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The contemporary forms of anti-Semitism will be discussed, as well as the root causes, trends and dynamics of hate crimes, radicalisation and violent extremism that keeps spreading across Europe and beyond. The workshop will likewise examine what individuals are at the highest risk of becoming radical and violent, and what actions are needed to prevent that. With the input of NGOs from both Beneficiary and Donor countries, as well as representatives of international organisations active in this field, the participants will aim to identify useful and necessary steps that could be taken in the future in order to address the issue and fight these so immense threats.The workshop is organised under the Lithuanian 'NGO programme' and will see the participation of human rights experts, practitioners working in the field of inclusion, de-radicalisation, prevention of extremism, as well as representatives of international organisations and NGOs.Read more about the Lithuanian 'NGO programme'Read more about the Grants' efforts to counter discrimination and hate speech