Invitation to a press conference: Yidish far ale or Yiddish for all. Promoting knowledge about Yiddish language and culture in Poland and Norway. Why "Yidish" (Yiddish). Why "far ale" (for all)?We will answer these and other questions during the press conference.The press conference is realised by Bente Kahan Foundation within the project 'Yidish far ale or Yiddish for all. Promoting knowledge about Yiddish language and culture in Poland and Norway' under the programme 'Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within the European Cultural Heritage' in Poland. Bente Kahan – Project manager Barbara Pendzich – Norwegian projects coordinator Dominika Arendt-Wittchen – Polish projects coordinator Joanna Lisek – Academic consultantYoav Rossano – Exhibit curator Thursday 4 July 2013, 11.00 am The Center for Jewish Culture and Education at the White Stork Synagogueul. Włodkowica 5a, Wrocław, Poland