Portugal Atlantic Conference 2015

November16 - 192015
Portugal Atlantic Conference2015
In a joint action with the 5th edition of the Sea Forum, the conference aims to create useful synergies for the maritime community and adequately celebrate the National Sea Day (November 16).Parts of the conference programme is dedicated to the Portuguese 'Integrated marine and coastal waters management' programme, funded by the EEA Grants. During the conference, selected projects from the programme and their outcome will be presented. Areas covered include preparation of integrated geographic information for marine and coastal water management, integrated monitoring of the ocean, marine environment management and marine pollution as a global threat that needs local action.The initiative is organised by the Government of Portugal, the Directorate General for Maritime Policy (DGPM), Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning and Fórum Oceano, and is co-financed by the EEA Grants.Register for the conference here.The conference programme can be found hereRead more about the Portuguese 'Integrated marine and coastal management' programmeRead more about the EEA Grants to Portugal