Opening ceremony: The Green Synagogue in Rezekne, Latvia

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Dating back to 1845, the Green Synagogue is the last remaining synagogue of 11 synagogues in Rezekne, Latvia. Thanks to funding from the EEA Grants, the wooden synagogue has now been restored.The restoration project was launched in April 2014 under the Latvian 'Conservation and revitalisation of cultural and natural heritage' programme.The project, which has been implemented in cooperation with Sam Eyde upper secondary school in Norway, will be completed by the end of the year. The opening ceremony of the Green Synagogue will be held 22 January 2016. Download the invitationRead more about the project on the website of the EEA and Norway GrantsWatch a video from the restoration of the Green Synagogue in RezekneRead more about the project 'Restoration of Rezekne Green Synagogue'Read more about the EEA and Norway Grants to Latvia