Participants from Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway: in order to enable the participants in the Networking event to effectively exchange information and learn more about the other participants, we included in the agenda two pitching sessions, where all participants from the Donor States are invited to deliver a three minutes, three slides presentation of their company/entity’s core competence, bilateral cooperation ambitions and contact details.The three minutes, three slides presentations must be sent in advance to Innovation Norway, at the latest by 15 October 2018, to the following email addresses: and in CC at
Participants from Romania: are encouraged to select, based on their attendance at the presentations made by the participants from the Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), which of the companies/entities are of interest for them in order to start a partnership (i.e. discussing about a joint bilateral project application, which will further be submitted within the relevant calls under the Energy Programme Romania). The Networking event agenda includes several time slots designed to encourage meetings and dialogue between the entities from the Donor States and Romania (i.e. Networking & Coffee break, Business Lunch & Networking).
Travel Support could be granted for entities from the Donor States, travelling from Iceland/Liechtenstein/Norway to Romania – more details and the procedure to apply for TS is detailed at this link. If you would like to participate in this networking event, please fill in the registration form. Note that Innovation Norway's approval is required prior to your participation!
Please check Innovation Norway's website for the rest of the conditions and information about this event.