Latvia: National Climate Policy Opening Conference

10:00 – 11:00          Registration and morning coffee11:00 – 13:00          Opening of the Conference11:00 – 11:10          Address of Director of Development Instruments Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia (MoEPRD) Iruma Kravale11:10 – 11:15          Address of the Ambassador of Royal Norwegian Embassy H.E Jan Grevstad11:15 – 11:30          Address - Norwegian Environment Agency /  Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection11:30 – 12:00          Challenges of  the Climate Policy in LatviaIlze Prūse, Director of Climate and Environmental Policy Integration Department of the MoEPRD12:00 – 12:30          Norwegian expert on climate change12:30 – 13:30          Lunch break13:30 – 15:30          Presentations 13:30 – 13:50          Programme “National Climate Policy”                             Ināra Buda, Deputy Director of Development Instruments Department of the Ministry of the MoEPRD 13:50 – 14:10          Pre-defined project “Development of the National System for Greenhouse gas inventory and evaluation and reporting on                              policies,  measures and projections”                             Fricis Rūmnieks, Senior Official of Climate and Environmental Policy Integration Department of the MoEPRD14:10 – 14:30          Pre-defined project „Development of proposal for National adaptation strategy, including identification of scientific data,                                          measures for adapting to changing climate, impact and cost evaluation”                             Zanda Skuja, Senior Official of Climate and Environmental Policy Integration Department of the MoEPRD14:30 – 14:50          Call for proposals14:50 – 15:10          Small grant scheme15:10 – 15:30          Conference closing & summing-upWorking languages of the Conference: Latvian and English with simultaneous translationMore information: