Joint closing event for SI Scholarships and NGO programmes

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Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein were not considered as top destinations or partners for Slovene educational institutions or individuals; they were much more inclined towards other European (and neighbouring countries). The support of the Slovene Scholarship Fund has changed this picture in the last few years. Either by learning mobility of students and staff or by cooperation projects among institutions, the programme has strengthened the ties between countries, institutions and individuals. Fostering human capital and bilateral relations, bringing economies and societies closer together is also its main aim.With joint projects, many long term partnerships were established or reinforced between Norwegian, Icelandic, Liechtenstein and Slovene institutions. Numerous working and teaching methods were exchanged, common products, programmes were created and friendships built. All the activities contributed to intensified mutual understanding, perception, appreciation of differences and creation of cooperation and similitude. Many partnerships have the intention to continue with cooperation even after the project ending since interest exists on all sides and ideas, wishes and themes are common to all.The biggest fulfillment and recognition of our work is when we observe the youth getting their horizons expanded due to learning mobility, their perspectives opened and their self-esteem and independence increased.Download the agenda in English and SloveneRead more about the EEA and Norway Grants to Slovenia