The contact seminar - "Bounding Day: building partnerships between Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Poland" - will be held on April 9th-11th, organised by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System.The seminar aims at networking institutions from Poland and the donor states that will result in joint projects under the Education Programme financed by the EEA Grants 2014-2021. Representatives of public and non-public educational institutions regardless of their sector are welcome to participate. However, their area of interest must correspond to at least one issue presented below:
- child welfare education in practise;
- management and supervision in education;
- quality in education;
- development and promotion of VET including dual learning, trainee, apprenticeship and work placement systems;
- inclusive education in practise;
- integration of new technologies in education and training, and new models of teaching and training;
- curriculum development and development of joint programmes and degrees.
The seminar will be conducted only in English. Registration for the event has now been closed.