The final phase of Programme implementation is a period when project results become a measure for success on Programme level. Nevertheless, the post-truth dominates the public discourse and many of the FOs/POs in the Central and Easter Europe work in conditions of increased social distances and raise of nationalism, racism and xenophobia, including extremism in some cases.This poses a challenge to the promotion of results involving unpopular opinions, voicing of concerns on sensitive issues and NGO watchdog activism. Sharing of lessons learned on communication is an important topic to be covered as it would broaden the perspective of individual FOs and could be a source for recommendations for the future. The latter is especially important in order to maintain the momentum of the tremendous civic activism promoted by the EEA grants within the past few years of NGO Programme implementation. Register here.Read more about the 'Funds for non-governmental Organisations' programme in BulgariaRead more about the EEA and Norway Grants to Bulgaria

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