Welcome greetings are given by Mr. Atle Leikvoll, Norwegian Ambassador to the EU. Introduction to the topic by Professor Sir Brian Heap, President of EASAC.Scientific findings and recommendations will be presented by the chair of the EASAC working group Professor Øystein Hov, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norway.After the presentation Sir Brian Heap will moderate a panel discussion of the following experts and stakeholders:
- Ms Rosario Bento Pais, European Commission, Head of DG CLIMA's Adaptation Unit
- Mr Ian Clark, European Commission, DG Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, Head of Unit: Policy and Implementation Frameworks
- Professor Peter Höppe, Head of Geo Risks Research/Corporate Climate Centre, Munich Re
- Professor Filip Duarte Santos, University of Lisbon, Department of Physics, Geophysics and Environment
- Ms Barbro Thomsen, EEA and Norway Grants, Senior Sector Officer – Environment