Data and results portal - glossary

EEA and Norway Grants

The EEA and Norway Grants are Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway’s contribution to reducing economic and social disparities in Europe and to strengthening bilateral relations with 15 beneficiary countries in Northern, Central and Southern Europe.

Funding period

The EEA and Norway Grants are distributed through a multi-annual programme approach. The programmes are implemented through projects, which must be finalised no later than end of April 2024.

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

The overarching narrative of the EEA and Norway Grants. In short, this is what the Donor and Beneficiary States are doing together through the Grants.

Financial Mechanism

The Grants are composed of two funding schemes – Financial Mechanisms – the EEA Grants and the Norway Grants. The main difference between the two lies in where the funding comes from and which countries receive the funding.

EEA Grants

The EEA Grants are funded jointly by all three Donor States– Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. During the current funding period, the EEA Grants amount to €1.5 billion, allocated to 15 Beneficiary States

Norway Grants

The Norway Grants are funded by Norway. During the current funding period, the Norway Grants amount to €1.3 billion, allocated to 13 Beneficiary States. 

Donor States

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

Beneficiary States

European Union Member States that receive funding from the EEA and Norway Grants.

Global goals

United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals


Allocations to Beneficiary States from the EEA and Norway Grants.


Partnerships are at the centre of the EEA and Norway Grants, at programme and project level. They offer a unique opportunity to tackle common European challenges, sharing knowledge and expertise and strengthening relations among the Donor and Beneficiary States.


A series of activities, funded by the EEA and/or Norway Grants, with clearly set goals contributing to the programme under which it falls.


Priorities defined by the Donor States and the European Union during the negotiations for each funding period.


A portfolio of projects aimed at achieving agreed results and managed in a coordinated way.

Fund for bilateral relations

A fund set aside to strengthen the cooperation between Donor States and Beneficiary State.

Bilateral Initiatives

An activity, or a series of activities funded by the Fund for bilateral relations.

National Focal Point

The national entity designated by the Beneficiary State to have the overall responsibility for reaching the objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants and implementing the Grants in the Beneficiary State.

Programme Operator

A public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial, having the responsibility for preparing and implementing a programme.

Fund Operator

A public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial, as well as NGOs, directly contracted by the Financial Mechanism Office, having the responsibility for preparing and implementing a programme.

Project promoter

A public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial, having the responsibility for initiating, preparing and implementing a project.

Donor Programme Partner

A public entity in a Donor State advising on the preparation and/or implementation of a Programme.

Donor project partner

A legal person actively involved in, and effectively contributing to, the implementation of a project, and whose primary location is in one of the Donor States. 

Project partner

A natural or legal person actively involved in, and effectively contributing to, the implementation of a project.


Outputs, outcomes and impacts of a programme.


A part of the total allocation to a Beneficiary State that is set aside, to be distributed following a mid-term review and an agreement between the Donor States and the Beneficiary State.

Technical Assistance

A part of the funding used by the National Focal Points, Audit, Certifying and Irregularities Authorities for operational costs related to the implementation of the EEA and Norway Grants.