More information
The project aims to launch close cooperation between the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology of STU Bratislava and the Faculty of Engineering of NTNU Norway in the field of renewable energy, environmental solutions, and green innovations. The project aims to achieve integration of research and innovation in the field of green technologies into the final theses and student semestral projects and the strengthening the relationship between research, education, and industrial practice. Cooperation with at least two industrial partners will be established. Two scientific workshops and two information and communication events will be organized. Experience and knowledge transfer between partner universities and between universities and industrial partners will also be established. Implementation of the project will have great impact on synergies between research, education, and industrial practice. Both direct and indirect target groups will gain benefits from the project implementation regardless of gender, age, nationality, or any other differences. The target groups involved in seminars and research activities will significantly improve their skills and knowledge, which they will then use in the development and application of new innovative green technologies and cooperation with industrial partners. The project will contribute to gender equality by enabling equal participation of men and women in project activities. Outputs and outcomes of the project will also be available to men and women in the same way. Equal involvement of men and women in research activities focused on green innovative technologies is an interesting contribution to gender development. Activities, results and impacts of the project will be equally accessible to all social groups, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, or any other form of otherness. Therefore, the project is anti-discriminatory and contributes to the elimination of various forms of discrimination.
Summary of project results
When submitting the application for this project, we did not expect that so much administrative works would be associated with the implementation of this project. From the available information, it did not appear at all that the implementation of the project would be so administratively demanding. There was so much administration involved in procuring the small necessary material for research that it would discourage any future applicant from participating in this program. In the case of the purchase of small items, the OP applies almost the same conditions as for large public procurements. In our case, OP requires to implement a PP for small purchases intended for research, beyond the framework of the legislation of SR and and the guide for project promoters. Interim reports, especially financial report forms are very complex.
The project implementation was caried out in coherence with the original project timetable with small changes specified and justified in project interim reports. Generally, the project implementation can be evaluated as very successful because all planned activities were completed, and the results were achieved. A relationship between STU and NTNU was established. Fourteen students have worked under the supervision of experts for five months on 14 student research projects. The objective of all projects was to bring green innovations into student final theses and semestral projects. Students achieved very important high quality results. They have significantly improved their skills and competencies by doing research, writing research reports in English, and presenting their results in front of an expert committee.
In total, 52 people have improved their knowledge and skills by participation in scientific workshops organized in the framework of this project. Awarding the best diploma theses and industrial related semestral project motivated the students to achieve excellent research work and prepare high quality final thesis. After the evaluation of the projects, the expert committee selected two works in two different rounds to be awarded with a notebook purchased in frame of the project. We continued in the promotion and publicity of the project and project donors. Extensive promotion activities were done during the implementation of the project. Two main communication events were organized, The project activities were promoted via project website and video spots. Slovakia Workshop and Norway workshop were anther event where beside scientific activities, promotion activities were done as well. The project milestones were achieved in terms of the project proposal with small changes, which were justified. Project indicators and communication indicators were achieved exceeding the average at the time of project implementation.
Summary of bilateral results
Students who participated in research projects presented their work at a scientific workshop held in Trondheim on February 22 and 23, 2024. In addition to these 8 student research projects, 8 other presentations were included in the workshop. The workshop organized in Trondheim was the result of previous intensive communication between both universities, including the visit of an STU delegate to NTNU and vice versa. A selection committee selected one of the student research works, the best oriented to industrial application, to be awarded by IRinGIFT project award.