Clay Day - Magic of clay

Project facts

Project promoter:
Slovak National Museum - Ľudovít Štúr Museum in Modra(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Telmark Museum(NO)
Other Project Partners
Modra - town(SK)


ClayDay – Magic of Clay is a project which should bring a “magic” of ceramic and porcelain art into daily life. Seven events planned in this project are aimed at artistic freedom, the openness of society to other countries, ideas, women, or minorities. 
The project of ClayDay – Magic of Clay will involve all participating entities in all activities. The aim is to reinforce the bilateral cooperation, erase the borders through the art expression, introduce the art to a wide audience, and strengthen empathy. Telemark Museum will be a valuable partner by organizing the exchanges of exhibitions, introducing the porcelain works in Modra, and organization of artist symposium. The knowledge from the museum in Porsgrunn and Skien will be very helpful by creating a new exhibition in SNM, Ľ.Štúr Museum. Representatives from Telemark Museum will present information concerning porcelain creation and their specifics on Clay Festival (activity 7), which will be a very interesting topic for the professional audience. On the other hand, the idea to bring art closer to people through design manual for the historical city centre, ceramic street art and laser performance awaken the interest of our partners from Norway. We would like to share our knowledge and improve our partnership for further project ideas. 

Summary of project results

ClayDay – Magic of Clay is a project was aimed to bring a “magic” of ceramic and porcelain art into daily life. The project of ClayDay – Magic of Clay involved all participating entities in all activities. The aim was to reinforce the bilateral cooperation, erase the borders through the art expression, introduce the art to a wide audience, and strengthen empathy. Telemark Museum was a valuable partner by organizing the exchanges of exhibitions, introducing the porcelain works in Modra, and organization of artist symposium. The knowledge from the museum in Porsgrunn and Skien were be very helpful by creating a new exhibition in SNM, Ľ.Štúr Museum. 

The common goal was an experience exchange while learning about each other''s "clay" traditions. The exchange exhibitions in Modra and Porsgrunn, which presented the similarities and the differences in production and decoration of ceramics and porcelain. The project enabled  redesign of interior of the Art Gallery of the national artist Ignác Bizmayer, where the past and the present of figural sculpture are presented. A new design manual for the historic center of Modra town with reference to the elements of ceramics was created as well as a laser performance in a public building. A symposium of artists from Norway and Slovakia has been organized in old pottery factory Slovak Folk Majolica and Modra town. The project has culminated in the ceramic festival Feast of Clay – Ceramic Modra in autumn 2022. The creation of ceramic elements in the city, when master potters were given space for street art.

A new innovative exhibition "From Pitcher to Figural Creation" was prepared, at which famous master figural painters and authors from minority groups were given space, the city of Modra received a design manual for the historic center, ceramic elements in the city, and a laser performance at a public building, festival Clay Day – a festival of Ceramics was organized in Modra, exhibitions were exchanged between Modra and Porsgrunn, art gallery of the national Artists Ignác Bizmayer was redesigned and a sympozium was organized. Artists from Slovakia and Norway, citizens of Modra and Porsgrunn, but also the general public benefited from the project

Summary of bilateral results

The role of donor partner was significant. It was great opportunity to share best practise and get to know the culture elements, which are in some aspects very similar. The main results from a bilateral levet were the following: kKnow-how transfer, sharing of best practises, inspiration, friendship. The project promoter is in touch with partner – Telemark museum and plan to continue with our partnership. Porsgrunnn municipality was involved in the projec, which was a very valuable experience from city management perspective.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.