Project facts

Project promoter:
Secondary Grammar School of Anton Bernolák, Senec(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Municipal Museum of Senec(SK)


The aim of the Project is to raise awareness of mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the form of theoretical instruction as well as the implementation of specific physical measures in school and school yard.

The Project activities aim at increased resistance to climate change and ability to respond to climate change. Through theoretical and practical education, the awareness of mitigation and adaptation to climate change among our school students and cooperating schools will be raised. It is expected that students will be more environmentally friendly, separate waste, conserve water, and protect ecosystems around them. The Project will increase the proportion of greenery in the school yard by establishing an ornamental garden, vegetable and herb garden. Children in engaging in activities with an educational character will be supported, namely by building self-help houses for insects, a sensorimotor walkway and educational tables. Along the sensory walkway and educational tables, information boards will be placed to help students get to know nature and explain how to care for it and protect it. The created area will be regularly open to the public through various events focused on environmental activities.

The Slovak Project Partner, the Municipal Museum of Senec will organize educational activities within the Project. These awareness-raising activities will be aimed at teachers at schools in the City of Senec as part of workshops on "How to teach about climate change". Another benefit is the organization of a traveling exhibition “Unwelcome Visitors or the Impacts of Climate Change”, which will travel around schools in the City of Senec in Slovak and Hungarian. This exhibition will later be included in the museum''s exhibition. The Partner will also organize a conference for pupils.

Summary of project results

The Project aimed to address following challenges in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  • systematic education of students on impact of climate change and measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change with focus on greenery, water retention and environmental mobility,
  • implement hard measures on climate change adaptation being in synergy with soft educational activities to support rainwater retention, share of greenery and energy-saving mobility.

Following Project activities were implemented within the Project:

  • Environmental education through updated curricula of existing subjects, new school environmental program focused mainly on greenery and ecological mobility,
  • Building an ecological classroom at the school yard,
  • Creation of herb, vegetable and flower garden,
  • Building an insect house, sensory path and installation of educational tables,
  • Installation of rainwater collection containers,
  • Installation of bicycle and scooter stands.

Overall, 9 physical climate change responsive measures were carried out in school campus, more than 2 000 students participated the awareness raising campaign and 90 open access education materials were created.

The Project reached more than 1 500 persons selfreporting having more climate friendly behaviour due to implemented Project activities with impact mainly on students as beneficiaries.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.