EduGlobe - the way to the implementation of the National Strategy for Global Education

Project facts

Project promoter:
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Donor Project Partners:
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences(NO)


The goal of the Eduglobe project is to ensure the participation of students, teachers, schools and NGOs in the process of creating, implementing and monitoring the new National Strategy for Global Education (NS GV). The reality of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the climate crisis, misinformation and hoaxes, as well as the polarized society, create demand for solutions in every part of the state and society, from economics, the environment to political life.
The project will strengthen the networking and expert capacities of the working group Global Education Ambrely, through which it will ensure quality inputs of its members into the process of creating NS GV in cooperation with MŠVVaŠ SR. 
The main activities of the project are:
1. It shall support the active functioning of the Global Learning Task Force and ensure Ambrela''s capacity to expand it. It will do so both by mobilizing and increasing the frequency of communication of the Ambrely Secretariat with Ambrely member organizations, as well as through the active expansion of Ambrely''s membership base by organizations active in the field of civic education and value-oriented education in Slovakia.
2. It will strive to include the requirements and proposals of NGOs associated in the GV working group in the new NS GV, which will be prepared in 2021 and 2022 by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the international organization GENE. objectives of the strategy and tools for measuring progress in its implementation. After the adoption of the strategy by the Government of the Slovak Republic, Ambrela will enter the process of evaluating the first year of implementation of the strategy.
3. To strengthen the impact of the strategy and increase the pressure on its quality implementation by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic, Ambrela will implement a massive information campaign.

Summary of project results

Project EduGlobe undertook a multifaceted approach to address critical issues and challenges. Primarily, it played a pivotal role in advocacy towards political decision-makers, positioning the Project promoter as a stable and responsible partner in the development of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NS GV). The project strategically emphasized its role as a key intermediary between government institutions and potential political entities, fostering an environment conducive to collaboration between the third sector and governmental bodies.

roject EduGlobe involved diverse activities and yielded several notable outputs. One of its main goals was to establish regular meetings for the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NS GV), serving as key platforms for advocacy, education, and the exchange of opinions among stakeholders. The project also emphatically supported networking opportunities, allowing representatives from various organizations to connect and share experiences and knowledge.

As part of the project, a total of 11 events were organized, with each significantly contributing to the overall objective, addressing key aspects of global education and sustainable development. Collaboration with project partners, GV experts associated with Ambrela''s GV Working Group, and strategists from the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport (MŠVVaŠ SR) led to the incorporation of 10 key inputs into the strategy.

The project also implemented an awareness campaign to raise awareness about Global Education (GV), addressing the topic in the context of current societal crises, particularly the war in Ukraine. The campaign exceeded expectations, reaching almost half a million users. Two live discussions and six online discussions were integral parts of the campaign, engaging 60 viewers and an average of 30 participants in each event, totaling 180 participants overall.

Through the establishment of regular meetings and networking opportunities, the project became instrumental in shaping the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NS GV), turning Ambrela into a stable and responsible partner in the political landscape. The incorporation of key inputs into the strategy showcased the project''s tangible impact on policy-making, influencing decisions at the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport (MŠVVaŠ SR). This success directly benefited Ambrela by solidifying its position as a key intermediary between government institutions and political entities, fostering collaboration and advocacy efforts.

Furthermore, the awareness campaign on Global Education (GV) demonstrated significant outcomes for the broader community. By addressing GV within the context of ongoing societal crises, particularly the war in Ukraine, the campaign exceeded expectations, reaching nearly half a million users. The live and online discussions provided platforms for meaningful dialogue, engaging 60 viewers and 180 participants overall. This widespread engagement indicates a substantial impact on public awareness and understanding of GV-related issues. The campaign successfully sensitized the general public, fostering awareness and dialogue on moral responsibility, inclusion, and the importance of global education in times of crisis.

In conclusion, Project EduGlobe achieved outcomes that benefited Ambrela by strengthening its role in policy-making and advocacy. Simultaneously, the project had a broader societal impact by raising awareness and fostering dialogue on crucial global education issues, ultimately benefiting the community at large.

Summary of bilateral results

The Norwegian partner played a pivotal role throughout the collaboration, making significant contributions to the project''s outcomes. Robert Didham, representing INN University and its Centre for Collaborative Learning for Sustainable Development (CCL), was a crucial contributor to the success of the initiative. Didham provided invaluable insights into various aspects of policy formulation, curriculum development, intercultural competencies, democratization, and sustainable development. His expertise became particularly evident in the development of the national strategy and its monitoring mechanism.The Norwegian partner''s role extended beyond mere participation, actively engaging in the design and execution of three impactful events—an online webinar, a physical November colloquium, and a June seminar. The activities aimed to promote the global education agenda among key stakeholders, such as representatives from the Ministry of Education, educators, and non-governmental organizations.Furthermore, the Norwegian partner, through Robert Didham''s continuous collaboration, brought an international perspective to the project. By drawing on his extensive experience in crafting strategic educational policy materials in multiple countries, Didham significantly enriched the entire project. His inputs and insights played a pivotal role in shaping the strategic document, ensuring that it was informed by global best practices and tailored to the specific needs of the project.In summary, the Norwegian partner''s role was instrumental in providing expertise, fostering international collaboration, and contributing to the overall success of the project. The outcomes of cooperation included enriched policy development, successful events, and a strategically crafted national strategy that aligns with global standards in education and sustainable development.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.