Mobile application for early detection of children with autism for marginalized groups

Project facts

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Centrum včasnej intervencie Prešov(SK)
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Other Project Partners
Akademické centrum pre výskum autizmu(SK)
Cesta von

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In Slovakia, we have perceived a disproportionately lower number of children with autism among marginalized groups, mainly from Roma communities. The pediatrician''s screening questionnaire is incomprehensible and incorrectly completed for marginalized groups. The ASDetect mobile application uses the visual support of short videos, which improve the understanding of the difference between autistic behavior and the management of a healthy child, thus significantly increasing the understanding of content in marginalized groups and their access to early intervention.  The prevalence of autism in the general population is 1-2%, which means that 1 to 2 out of 100 children are affected by some form of autism. The aim is to bring to Slovakia a mobile application that would significantly improve the early detection of autism at young children in marginalized groups, including the Roma community, and provide parents with visual support in the form of in-app videos to help understand and perceive autistic behavior at their children. At the same time, if the parent himself has doubts about the child''s risky development and fills in the diagnostic questionnaire in the ASDetect mobile application independently in the safety of his home, resp. with the help of a social worker, will receive support in the form of a printed output with a professional guarantee for communication with the doctor. ASDetect is a mobile application running via Android and Apple on a mobile or tablet, it is free and accessible globally (currently only in English, Spanish and Chinese). It is designed to give parents of children aged 11 to 30 months the opportunity to determine whether their child has or not a high probability of autism by assessing the early signs of autism in the child''s development based on a evidence-based methodology. It contains annotated videos demonstrating characteristic social and communication behavior at 12, 18 and 24 months, comparing non-autistic and autistic children.

Summary of project results

The detection of autism in marginalized Roma communities has been very low for a long time. It is a serious lifelong disorder with a huge worldwide increase. Our children receive professional help very late (approx. 5th year). This has a great impact on the further life of the child and the family. The pediatrician''s screening questionnaire is often incomprehensible to these parents. The ASDetect application shows parents, through videos, what is right and what is not in the child''s development. By training workers who work with marginalized groups directly in their natural environment, the project managed to get the application directly to these people. 

The Slovak version of ASDetect (author Australian LaTrobe University) was created as part of the project. It serves to support the early detection of children at risk of autism. The professional side was overseen by the partner, the Academic Center for Autism Research. Partner Cesta von, provided support for the use of the application for marginalized Roma communities. The project implementers organized 14 educational events and 1 international professional conference to sensitize experts and lay people to the early signs of autism in children from 11 to 30 months. The Slovak version of ASDetect for early detection of children at risk of ASD from 11 to 30 months is fully functional, accessible for free on Google Play and Apple Store (number of downloads 2483, number of tested children 1175). Within the project, cooperation with organizations dedicated to marginalized Roma communities was also very important: Way out, Healthy Regions, Community Centers and some municipalities. The project implementers know how to work with autism, other organizations know how to work with the Roma community, which has its own cultural specifics.

The implementers of the project organized an international conference (plan – Slovak) on the issue of early diagnosis and intervention of children at risk of ASD. An important unplanned result of the project - sensitization of the professional public for work with the Roma community. Thanks to the contribution of Cesta von at the conference, more than 300 experts gained insight into why it is necessary to know and respect cultural differences when working with the Roma community.

What makes ASDetect unique is that it is based on scientific research. Its clarity and comprehensibility predisposes it to use for marginalized groups and for education about the early signs of PAS.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.