Strong reading

Project facts

Project promoter:
Laputa, o.z.(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Amnesty International Slovakia(SK)
Centre for Community Organising(SK)


The project works on the assumption that well-developed reading literacy is not only correlated with developed active citizenship, but directly determines it. It approaches the development of reading literacy through creative and critical reading methods instead of standard methods, which create the preconditions for the development of critical civic empathy.

An educational tool - a publication with 2 volumes will be created. Each volume will contain 20 texts (with an emphasis on texts on basic human rights focusing on the most pressing current human rights issues that are understandable for the target group of the project) in Slovak language. The texts will be selected by a team of experts from the fields of human rights and civil society, and other fields and tested in workshops in primary and secondary schools. The publication will also contain a methodological annex for working with the texts.

Other project activities will comprise creating a live library in the form of a podcast, as well as a series of e-learning courses. 

20 schools will take part in workshops and other project activities, 25 teachers will be involved in project activities and 600 students will be participants of workshops.

The project brings together 3 organisations. Laputa and its publishing project Literary Bastion brings experience from the publishing and cultural environment. The Center for Community Organizing brings experience from collaboration with both students and teachers in their Schools for Democracy program. Amnesty International Slovakia brings experience from educational projects in the field of human rights education, and analytical experience in research, advocacy and campaigning for human rights.

The project partnership, in which the two partner organisations organise dozens of educational events per year, guarantees that the final form of the publication will be used after the project is over.

Summary of project results


The project aimed to address the challenges associated with the assumption that well-developed reading literacy is crucial for advanced active citizenship, particularly in the contemporary era where critical reading and understanding text and context are essential skills. It sought to tackle these challenges by implementing innovative methods of creative and critical reading, using a diverse selection of texts curated by experts in human rights, civil society, language, and literature. The project also addressed challenges related to education on human rights and civic values.

The project encompassed a variety of activities and outputs designed to address the challenges associated with reading literacy and civic engagement. The primary activity involved the creation of a two-part reader, deviating slightly from the initial plan to incorporate a broader range of content. This reader was meticulously curated by a mixed team of experts spanning human rights, civil society, Slovak language and literature, and pedagogy. The texts underwent a standard pre-publication process as a book, ensuring quality and relevance.

To test the effectiveness of the materials, the project conducted workshops in both primary and secondary schools during two testing phases, involving collaboration with students and teachers. This iterative process allowed for adjustments and improvements based on real-world feedback. The collaboration during testing also led to the development of a methodological guide accompanying the readers. This guide served as a valuable resource for educators, providing insights into effective implementation strategies and ways to maximize the impact of the materials in educational settings.

In addition to the reader and its accompanying guide, the project produced a series of 20 e-learning courses linked to individual texts. Each course presented activities lasting approximately 20-25 minutes, offering flexibility for educators to customize their approach based on the target audience and available time. These e-learning courses provided a dynamic and interactive dimension to the project, leveraging technology to enhance the learning experience.

Furthermore, the project explored the realm of podcasts as a supplementary tool. A podcast series was created, featuring five individuals sharing their personal stories in an audio format. This podcast served a dual purpose – it was distributed online as an independent resource and also acted as a companion to the reader, enriching the educational experience through diverse narratives.

To engage a broader audience and foster public discourse, the project organized three public events under the banner of the Central European Forum. These events aimed to highlight the intentions and impact of the project, contributing to a broader societal conversation on human rights, civic values, and the role of literacy in shaping perspectives.

The project achieved noteworthy outcomes and impacts across different domains, benefitting various stakeholders in the educational and societal realms. It successfully enhanced reading literacy among students through the creation of a two-part reader and accompanying methodological guides, offering effective tools for educators to cultivate critical reading skills. The development of 20 e-learning courses provided an innovative dimension to education, catering to diverse learning preferences. The podcast series featuring personal stories added a unique and personal touch, enriching the content and providing a platform for individuals to share their experiences. The three public events organized under the Central European Forum banner facilitated public discourse on human rights, civic values, and literacy''s role in shaping perspectives, contributing to awareness and dialogue within the broader community.

These impacts were felt directly in educational settings, benefiting students, educators, and institutions by providing innovative teaching tools and fostering critical thinking skills. The project''s focus on human rights and civic values aimed to instill a sense of civic empathy, contributing to a more informed and engaged citizenry for broader societal development. Educators gained access to new methodologies and professional development opportunities, while the inclusion of diverse voices enriched cultural understanding and promoted inclusivity, benefiting the general public. In summary, the project''s outcomes and impacts were far-reaching, touching various aspects of education, society, and culture, positioning it as a catalyst for positive change across a diverse range of beneficiaries.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.