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Project facts

Project promoter:
Zabavne momenty(SK)
Project Number:
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Other Project Partners
Primary school with kindergarten in Trhoviste(SK)
The municipality of Trhoviste(SK)

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Young girls from the Roma community start families very early on and many of them do not finish the primary education, and usually do not attend secondary education. This has the impact on their ability to find a job. From their immediate surroundings, these young girls also do not get enough support to their self-realization. The main objective of the project is therefore to support young girls from Roma community in Trebisov and Michalovce district. The organization wants to provide various educational, motivational and physical activities for young girls. Various educational workshops will highlight the importance of continuation of secondary school studies and the selection of future employment. Activities will be focused in these following areas: 1) educational – education in the field of secondary school choice, sex education, financial literacy; 2) physical – organization of regular physical trainings; 3) motivational – motivation to achieve steadiness in the activities carried out, building the ability to set goals and visualizing success. The roles of the partners in the project are as follows: Trhoviste primary school will help recruit and involve girls to the project and municipality of Trhoviste will provide the premises for the implementation of educational activities. The overall goal of the project is to increase the independence, self-confidence and self-esteem of young girls from the Roma community.

Summary of project results

Young girls from the Roma community start families very early and remain in this circle until the period when it is very difficult for them to get back to the labor market. They do not receive sufficient support for their self-realization and are led to start a family as soon as possible.

Through the project, various educational activities for the young Roma girls were held. Namely, sex education, financial literacy, right choice of secondary school and how to apply for a job. Moreover, repeating physical activities for girls were organized. This helped them to gain self confidence, e.g. girls were shy in the beginning and had a problem just to enter a gym - now they actively and regularly participate in group and training sessions. 45 girls from the Roma community actively participated in the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.