Protection and support system for women experiencing violence

Project facts

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Other Project Partners


In Slovakia, one in three women, more than 23%, will experience violence during their lifetime (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2014). The responsibility for protecting women from violence lies with the state. For ten years, however, the state has not monitored certain areas that are relevant to the theme Violence against women. The main goal of the project is to create tools for monitoring the system of protection and support of women in the Slovak Republic. In the project Fenestra will map and analyze the conditions, process the results into recommendations and prepare a comprehensive report on the situation. The findings from the research will be used  for advocacy activities and will be used to open a dialogue with relevant actors. The outcomes of the projects will be shared with other civil society organizations. The main activities of the project are: Map and prepare a status analysis, process the results on a recommendation and prepare a comprehensive report. The report will include the recommendations resulting from the results of the mapping and analysis of the system of protection and support of women experiencing violence, as well as with findings in specific areas (specific support services, collection of administrative data, ensuring access to justice). International institutions ( The Council of Europe and the European Commission, the GREVIO Committee, UN committees such as CAT and CEDAW) will also be informed about the results of the project. All relevant stakeholders will be involved in advocacy activities such as round tables and expert seminars. The project partner association Hana will continuously participate in all project activities. At the same time as an association from smaller city they will develop their skill and capacities by sharing them with more experienced Project promoter. 

Summary of project results

The project aimed to address the question of what protection and support the state provides to women experiencing violence in partner relationships and their children. The goal was to monitor the current state policies and measures for the protection and support of women and children, assess their implementation, and identify deficiencies in the system.

Embarking on a mission to enhance support systems for women facing violence and their children, the project initiated a multifaceted approach. The creation of a specialized Mapping Tool unraveled the complexities of the protection and support framework, guided by insights from data collected through desk research, information requests, and interviews with NGOs and affected women.

Legal scrutiny laid the foundation for a detailed Report on the System''s Status, offering a comprehensive narrative of strengths and weaknesses within the system. Simultaneously, the project monitored specific Support Services, providing a real-world evaluation of their impact on women''s lives.

Recognizing the importance of structured information, the project proposed a robust Data Collection Structure, a blueprint for systematic administrative data gathering to inform future policies. The findings weren''t confined to research; they were actively disseminated through the project website, social media, press releases, and a dedicated press conference, ensuring broad stakeholder engagement.

Empowerment was a core focus, with Advocacy and Capacity Building initiatives strengthening NGOs as potent advocates for systemic change. In an unforeseen impact, the project''s advocacy resonated internationally, influencing the conclusions of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), shaping global discourse on human rights and violence against women. This succinct journey reflects the project''s commitment to tangible impact, bridging research with real-world change.

This comprehensive initiative yielded several notable outcomes. The development of a sophisticated Mapping Tool provided a strategic resource, instrumental in elucidating the complexities of the system. An exhaustive data collection process, incorporating desk research, targeted interviews, and legislative reviews, resulted in a detailed Report on the System''s Status, offering nuanced insights into both strengths and vulnerabilities.

In an effort to fortify advocacy, the project promoter devised pragmatic tools, including a monitoring system for specific support services, and proposed a precisely structured framework for data collection. The dissemination of findings was carefully executed to reach NGOs, stakeholders, and the broader public through diverse channels such as web publications, social media, and press engagements.

Beyond the core objectives, an unintended yet consequential outcome was the project promoter''s influence on the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). This unanticipated impact played a pivotal role in shaping global conversations on human rights and violence against women.

The paramount beneficiaries of these endeavors encompass women facing violence and their children, empowered by the potential systemic enhancements. NGOs and advocacy groups have been equipped with tools for informed and effective advocacy, policymakers stand to benefit from informed decision-making, and service providers are poised for improvements based on insights garnered from precise evaluations. The project promoter''s commitment extends to fostering positive changes at both national and international levels, contributing to the broader discourse on human rights and gender-based violence.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.