3P - práca, pomoc, podpora (Work, Help, Support)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Združenie STORM(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The project is focusing on the social inclusion of drug users and people working in the sex business through practical work training in the ZÓNA contact centre in Sereď. Clients working in the exteriors or interiors of the centre increase their practical work skills. The motivation for them is the fulfilment of an individual goal (e.g. obtaining allowance for the identity card, reducing debts in a health insurance company, paying a doctor, housing, etc.).

The project is focused on meaningfulness and reality. It takes into account the complex life situations of clients, their possibilities and brings the most functional model of  possible help. Working with active drug users or people in the sex business has its specifics, which is taken into account when composing the basic methodology of the project. No one carries out similar activities in the town of Sereď and the entire Nitra and Trnava regions. Clients have the opportunity to gradually, based on their own decision and time management, work out what they need. In addition to certain work skills, they also gain a sense of self-confidence, respect and ability. We teach clients to communicate with authorities in person and electronically and to orient themselves in bureaucratic conditions. At the same time, the project is co-creating a new perspective on this target group in the eyes of the public, the authorities or institutions. The project also participates in breaking down prejudices against the clients and increase their chances for a better life.

The project will be beneficiary for vulnerable groups, drug users, people working in the sex business by helping them to find the way out of their current situation and find ou what they need and based on this maybe a job too.

Summary of project results

The project reflected the needs of clients (drog users, sex-business workers, etc.), whom the Civic Association STORM involves in the formation of new activities to improve and stabilize their living situation. A significant part of clients, at-risk residents, have difficulty finding employment for subjective (addiction, homelessness, violence...) but also objective reasons (stigmatization, health obstacles...). At the same time, the project responded to the need for education (resume, interview...) and job training. Some clients have lost their work habits, the ability to plan and be on time. 

As part of the project, work training was carried out, which is a very good tool for resocialization and a return to a standardized life. Some works were also carried out in public space, which is important in the context of sensitization of society. 

As part of the social assistance activity, project implementers together with clients visited offices, shops, institutions, or relevant places that were agreed before the start of the job training. At the same time, this activity is very important in the context of stigmatization – it helps rid clients of stigma by letting other people see their efforts to fit into society.

Field activity and ambulatory social work meant that the project implementers are close to their clients in their natural environment, which greatly helps to create relationships and increases the motivation to get involved in the project''s activities.

Cooperation with the city of Nitra also helped the project. It is very important that the local government is also involved in the projects, which in this way signals an interest in at-risk groups of residents.

The project addressed up to 245 clients in three cities (mainly in Seredi) directly, by talking about the specifics and the offer. Approximately 400 clients were approached indirectly through STORMík leaflets and magazines. The original indicator was 100, but despite the pandemic situation, it was possible to reach a larger number of people. Likewise, 54 clients participated in the project''s activities, compared to the planned 25. Some of them improved their lives, wrote their resumes, and improved their work skills. They could buy food, see a doctor, and also get accommodation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.