Give sense to the senses

Project facts

Project promoter:
Liberta, n.o.(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The aim of the project is to expand and improve the services that the organization provides to children and youth with disabilities, especially the extension of the therapy of "sensory integration". The goal of sensory integration therapy is to improve the process of perception of the environment and the relationship of one''s own body with it. Its intention is not to practice specific skills, but to build "adaptive responses" - the child gradually adapts his or hers behavior and responds appropriately to individual situations and activities. It is focused on the child - therapy takes place through a game and game activities. This therapy is absent throughout the whole eastern Slovakia. The long-term goal is to get as many suitable therapies under one roof and thus become a comprehensive rehabilitation center that will help all children with special needs. The project is being implemented in Košice and plans to introduce this new method of sensory integration therapy in the center and to involve 260 children with special needs.

Summary of project results

Our goal was to improve the quality of existing rehabilitation, expand the range of therapies and thus become a center that will help all children with special needs. Include all necessary therapies under one roof to expand the range of therapies for our clients. Making a room and buying tools is costly, so your project helped us a lot. The project was focused on establishing a completely new therapy, sensory integration therapy in the center of Liberta. The project included the renovation of the room and equipping the room with suitable aids. Aids like mobile boards, inclined planes, mats, trampolines, rollers, and many more. We also focused on raising awareness of therapy among the general public. We carried out the reconstruction of the room. We equipped the room with special aids and started offering sensory integration therapy. The main and most important idea of ​​the whole project was to improve and innovate the services and thus help children with special needs to integrate them more easily into society. A significant and unexpected result was the increase in clients with autism spectrum disorder. It was during this diagnosis that the most significant shift forward took place. Children respond more adequately and have more adequate responses to external stimuli. So far, we have applied the therapy to more than 70 children with various special needs. We noticed changes for the better with each child, and so we confirmed that sensory integration therapy was a great choice. The room, which we created thanks to the project, is the only one of its kind in eastern Slovakia. Thus, we can help a much larger group of children. And children are the most important for us. By improving our services, we can also improve their lives. It is very important that we have managed to bring the therapy to the attention of the people who need it the most, and thus this therapy will have a long-term impact in helping our and other new clients. Sensory integration is a relatively new and underdeveloped therapy in Slovakia, despite its excellent results. Thanks to this project, we will be able to offer it in the long run and we believe in its contribution to our community. A total of 163 people participated in the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.