Soil therapy

Project facts

Project promoter:
Spokojnost - centrum socialnych sluzieb, n.o.(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


Roma and other socially disadvantaged families living in segregated housing settlements in Prievidza do not have many opportunities to learn how to live healthier and more meaningful lives. Project addresses this challenge by teaching people from this community new skill - how to grow their own fruits and vegetables. At the beginning, a survey will be prepared, in which the opinions of residents will be taken into the account. Next,  a round table will be organized in cooperation with a psychologist, social workers and residents, at which the results of the survey will be consulted and implementation of the project will be prepared. Project activities aim to actively involve residents in public events, motivate them to cooperate in public affairs and simultaneously increase their awareness of environmental protection. The project plans to directly involve 20 inhabitants.

Summary of project results

Vulnerable groups in our society are exposed to social isolation and various forms of discrimination. Their access to information, to the labor market, to education and culture, as well as to participation in decision-making, is insufficient. The aim of our project "Soil Therapy" was therefore focused mainly on the Roma minority and other groups at risk of social exclusion and poverty who live in a residential community on the Ciglianska Road in Prievidza. The project was a new opportunity for residents living in a segregated housing estate to create more comfortable living that will benefit them. Through project we have built growing fields in the form of elevated seedbed. In November 2020, we prepared a survey in which we found out what residents would like to have planted in these elevated seedbeds. We took their interest into account when buying seeds. In January, we held a meeting with the municipality, where we presented the project and agreed on close cooperation. From February, we started planting seeds with volunteers in the hotbeds, which were placed in the interior, and we volunteers from the community were responsible to take care of them. In April, we started building elevated seedbeds by men from community. From April till September we hired the lecturer, who held discussions on various topics, which were focused on the environment and self-sufficiency. From May we started planting vegetables and taking care of the whole process. In July, August and September, we collected fruit, which we then used in the community center. We also determined the method of distributing the harvest among the volunteers who helped with the implementation of the project. We presented the project in September on the festive day, to which local government representatives were invited. The implemented activity combined several educational aspects, such as environmental education, work education, support of manual skills, occupational therapy, education in the field of permaculture, motivation in the field of support of work habits and rehabilitation activities. A total of 60 people took part in the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.