No bruises

Project facts

Project promoter:
Centrum Slniečko, n.o.(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The system of protection of children and victims of domestic, gender-based violence in Slovakia has a number of "white spots" which cause that victims of violence are not sufficiently protected and do not receive adequate professional support and assistance. There is a lack of educated specialists in various professions, which results in the application of inappropriate procedures harmful to the victim, retraumatisation, secondary victimisation of victims and consequent violation of human rights. There is a lack of a functioning system of assistance and support for victims of violence and weak interconnection of laws.

The aim of the project is to implement innovative methods of experiential education for teachers, students-future professionals in the field of human rights in the context of gender equality and through identification of appropriate approaches of experts. An important part of the project is the analysis of "white spots" in the victim protection system, proposals for effective changes, setting up communication towards legislators and the public through round tables and a podcast platform.

Expected results:

  • 8 seminars focusing on human rights violations, sexual abuse and prevention of secondary victimization of the victim, violation of children''s rights, psychological violence and how to prevent secondary trauma to children through appropriate procedures of experts
  • 2 seminars focusing on gender equality, legal and social aspects of human rights violations
  • E-learning course (human rights, gender equality, gender-based violence)
  • 3 round tables with representatives of organizations working in the field of domestic and gender-based violence and representatives of state administration
  • analytical report (violation of basic human rights in the context of violence against women and existing services in the Slovak Republic)
  • podcast program (gender equality and human rights)
  • 80 involved teachers, 100 involved students

Summary of project results

The project sought to address various challenges related to violence prevention, particularly domestic violence. One primary concern was the perceived lack of awareness and education among both professionals and the general public regarding issues of violence. This educational gap was identified as a critical issue that the project aimed to bridge.

Additionally, the project recognized the impact of societal polarization and aimed to contribute to cultivating a more informed and empathetic public perspective. It highlighted the need to modernize existing systems, which were found to lack emphasis on updating knowledge and practices, especially within professional circles.

The identification of "white spots" in the protection system was a key aspect of the project. Through roundtable discussions and analyses, the project aimed to pinpoint areas where current systems were deficient and propose effective solutions to enhance overall protection for individuals affected by violence.

The project focused on three specific forms of violence - psychological violence, sexual violence, and gender-based violence. By addressing these specific issues, the project aimed to create a comprehensive understanding and response to different aspects of violence.

In summary, the project aimed to tackle challenges ranging from systemic issues within professional circles to societal attitudes and awareness, with the overarching goal of contributing to a more educated, empathetic, and responsive approach to violence prevention.

The project implemented a diverse set of activities and produced numerous outputs to accomplish its objectives in addressing violence prevention. Activities included organizing three thematic meetings as roundtable discussions with professionals, conducting educational sessions covering psychological, sexual, and gender-based violence for almost 850 participants, and generating a written analysis from these meetings to identify deficiencies in the protection system and propose solutions.

In terms of media production, the project created a methodical film featuring direct victims with support from the project. It also launched a podcast series with 20 episodes covering topics like gender-based violence, cyberbullying, non-violent communication, and manipulation.

In the realm of online presence, the project established the info portal, providing news and a clear list of help contacts. The website received an annual traffic of over 10,000 unique visits, and podcast episodes averaged over 320 listens. Social media engagement was facilitated through the Instagram platform "Without Bruises," serving as a means to communicate activities and educational content. This platform gained organic attention from followers, becoming a significant thematic source of information.

Throughout the project''s duration, more than 350 publications and outputs were produced. The project successfully fostered organic growth of activities, indicating a societal demand for the platform. By engaging with a diverse audience through various communication channels, the project contributed to creating awareness, education, and support within the field of violence prevention.

The project yielded significant outcomes and impacts, benefiting both professionals and the general public in the field of violence prevention. Through its multifaceted approach, the project successfully raised awareness, educated diverse audiences, and fostered positive societal change.

Professionals within the fields of advocacy, education, social work, and higher education benefitted from targeted educational sessions, roundtable discussions, and the creation of a methodical film featuring direct victims. The project facilitated the identification of deficiencies in existing protection systems, offering solutions through a written analysis derived from thematic meetings. By engaging professionals in meaningful discussions and providing educational resources, the project contributed to enhancing their knowledge and practices in addressing various forms of violence.

The project catered to students in relevant disciplines by conducting educational sessions and involving them in discussions. With almost half of the participants being students, the project empowered the next generation of professionals with essential knowledge and skills related to psychological, sexual, and gender-based violence. By addressing the educational needs of students, the project aimed to create a future cohort of professionals better equipped to contribute to violence prevention efforts.

The broader community, represented by the general public, experienced positive impacts through the project''s initiatives. The establishment of an info portal ( provided accessible information and a clear list of help contacts. The podcast series, thematic meetings, and social media engagement via Instagram ("Without Bruises") contributed to raising awareness on topics like gender-based violence, cyberbullying, and non-violent communication. The project aimed to cultivate a more informed and empathetic public perspective, addressing the societal polarization observed in recent times.

The project''s impact extended beyond immediate participants, reaching a wide audience through various channels. With over 10,000 unique annual website visits, substantial podcast listens, and the organic growth of social media platforms, the project successfully created a platform that met the societal demand for information on violence prevention. The more than 350 publications and outputs produced during the project''s duration demonstrated a sustained effort to contribute to positive societal change

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.