Public involvement in the preparation of the Concept for helping people with autism

Project facts

Project promoter:
Nadácia Rafael(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Rökstólar Samvinnumiðstöð(IS)
Other Project Partners
Autistic Centre Andreas(SK)


There is currently no conceptual approach to people with the autism spectrum disorder in Slovakia. Slovakia does not have sufficient capacity for early intervention, the waiting time for the initial examination is too long and too expensive for many families. There is a lack of qualified therapists to care for children with autism.

The main objective of the project is the naming of resources from the current situation. A Concept will be created and implemented at the state level, which intends to become a so-called "travel map" for individual segments of the aid, making specific steps leading to the change of the current situation. The recommendations of the Concept should arise in a common dialogue between the professional and non-professional public, entering into negotiations with the state and at the same time pointed to changes in public policies.

The project is to benefit people with autism spectrum disorders, their families, as well as workers with people with autism, as well as the state itself in the form of a guide in approaching these people. The created Concept is to help selected groups to better understand the situation in which they find themselves and to help with further steps in the selected issue.

Cooperation with a foreign partner - Rökstólar Samvinnumiðstöð, ehf. has the task of exchanging know-how, facilitating the exchange of partners and experiences. The Icelandic partner will assist in the selection and further communication with other Icelandic partners. Also, in cooperation with a Slovak partner, he plans and prepares a four-day study trip. The Slovak partner - Andreas, n. o. directly participates in the preparation of the conceptual material which will be the starting point for further discussions in this project and the active involvement of experts will be part of several activities in the creation of the next version of the Concept. It will set priorities in implementation and negotiations with the public administration.

Summary of project results

The project "Public involvement in the preparation of the Concept for helping people with autism" set itself the goal of strengthening the position of children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), their families and professionals who work with them. In the initial plan, he wanted to achieve this change through public policies that would better reflect the needs and interests of these people. By creating the Concept of Helping People with ASD, we wanted to follow the Czech path, which has achieved significant changes in several public policies. The concept was to be created in a participatory manner, in discussions at the level of the regions where these policies are implemented. As part of the creation of the concept, it was possible to identify key experts who over the past decades have implemented specific steps in setting up aid schemes. The first discussions on the individual components of the Concept began, joint meetings of experts and parents with children with ASD were held. However, the original plan was significantly affected by the pandemic, which made it impossible for various groups that did not know each other to meet together and did not allow for the participatory creation of public policies through various regional meetings. Concept creation has stopped. On the basis of the approved request for change, the possibility to adapt the methods of implementation of the planned activities opened up, which made it possible to continue the project and fulfill the project''s goals, even if external conditions significantly interfered with its implementation. 

On the basis of the approved request for change, the possibility to adapt the methods of implementation of the planned activities opened up, which made it possible to continue the project and fulfill the project''s goals, even if external conditions significantly interfered with its implementation. 

The project brought an innovative method of relief service from the Czech Republic to the Slovak Republic

Summary of bilateral results

Partnership cooperation was originally planned as an exchange of experience between the Icelandic partner, who had several contacts with organizations working with children with ASD and their families. A study trip was planned for experts who were to prepare the Concept of Helping People with Autism. As part of the pandemic measures, it was not possible to carry out foreign work trips, so all further cooperation took place in an online environment. On a regular basis, several meetings were held with Icelandic partners, and background materials were also developed on what relief services are provided in Iceland, both at the national and community level. As part of these consultations, the adaptability of specific measures to the Slovak context was evaluated, whether in the implementation of given services for families with ASD children, but also in the context of social services provided in general. The various funding models, which are decentralized to a much greater extent than in Slovakia, were very beneficial. The experiences of various organizations were processed by the Icelandic partner into comprehensive information, which was the basis for expert discussions with the Slovak partners. Consultations were held, both during a joint conference with the Slovak project partner Andreas n.o., but also with other experts who are part of the new Auti 8 platform, which was created thanks to the project and brings together experts and organizations that have been dedicated to autism in Slovakia for a long time. During the further implementation of the new lightening service in Slovakia, we have agreed with our Icelandic partner on further informal consultations, which will mainly focus on the exchange of experience in the introduction of this service in Slovakia.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.