Children don''t wait!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
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Donor Project Partners:
Spolok SKIS - félag slóvakíska á Íslandi(IS)


The project called “Children Don''t Wait!” Is a project designed to help pro-active attitude of all stakeholders  to quality changes in education system in Slovakia according to the slogan “We create quality school together”. By effectively combining the forces of diverse groups of actors in education, as well as communicating with the general public through the media, we can take the first step towards a truly good reform of education in Slovakia. The aim of the project - in the interest of children - is a partnership dialogue between all project actors in order to find a common one by constructive discussion good legislative and non-legislative solutions in the field of education.

Summary of project results

his project was focused on developing network of stakeholders in education and enhancing this network to the level of permanent Platform, in short called SKAV. The Platform contributes to regional and national legislative processes in the field of education with its expertise and insights. 

The project promoter at the beginning didn´t expect as large amount of activities and outputs done but it was related to the announcement new Minster of education that has started a huge reforming process in education in which the project promoter was involved in. 

The project promoter developed a network of 12 stakeholders in education in 8 regions of Slovakia and all together constituted the National Platform SKAV. All activities done by the project promoter throughout this project led to a memorandum of 70 members called Partnership for education 2030+. The project promoter hosted numerous public debates, many of which were streamed online. The project promoter was involved in legislative processes and made a significant contribution to the expert debates on the legislation of education in Slovakia, proceeded comments to the project “Programme Slovakia” and participated in the project “Recovery Plan”. The project promoter has become an authority and appreciated partner with expertise in the field of education. All the job made was strengthened by an international partner from Island and both partners are planning to follow up on established cooperation. 

Thanks to activities in this project, the project promoter had an unexpected opportunity to launch an educational TV show for Roma children called “Tumenca Khere”. 

Summary of bilateral results

The partner organization from Iceland involved in the project a number of practitioners and experts, not only from Iceland but also from ISEIA''s countries of operation. The representative of the Icelandic Ministry of Education attended the final project conference. Both countries gained a lot of information and best practices from each other. For the project promoter, the cooperation with Iceland and ISEIA brought insights into other education systems and the latest trends in key areas of education, which the project promoter could then transfer to the strategic documents in Slovakia, as well as towards the management of the Ministry of Education or the media. At the same time, however, the SR has also been a source of inspiration for both Icelandic and ISEIA actors. As a result, plans for the further development of Slovak-Icelandic and international cooperation in the field of education were created.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.