Participatory Creation of Community Plan of Social Services: Pilot Project Karlova Ves

Project facts

Project promoter:
Inštitút pre dobre spravovanú spoločnosť(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Fakulta sociálnych a ekonomických vied(SK)
Mestká časť Karlova Ves(SK)


The purpose of a Community Social Services Plan (CSSP) is to map local social service needs and compare them with local resources. In the Slovak Republic, the result of the development of the CPSS should be a policy-level document. The KPSS is to be developed in cooperation with providers and recipients of social services - vulnerable and other groups of the population. However, the direct participation of citizens, especially vulnerable groups, often does not occur, local governments often take a formalistic approach to this obligation. One of the reasons for this may be the lack of training in community planning for municipal staff and the absence of a methodology for developing CPSS.

Within the framework of the project, PP wants to focus on the specific municipality of Bratislava-Karlova Ves in order to carry out a pilot project for the development of the KPSS with the strengthening of the participatory character of the whole process. The whole process will be described in a manual which will serve as a basis for developing the CPSS for other municipalities and secondly as a study material of the social services curriculum. The manual will be publicly available free of charge on the PP website, thus ensuring the transfer of knowledge on the process of developing the CPSS to other municipalities. The output will also be a proposal for a general binding regulation (VZN) on the obligation of continuous participatory community planning. 

As the project partners are a local authority and a representative of the education system, the results of the project will improve the delivery of social services on the level of local governments by providing a data-driven and participatory basis for local policies across the country and social services curriculum materials.

Summary of project results

The project helped to improve social services community planning - as well as a longer-term manual and training of officials. Overall, thanks to the project, it was possible not only to make the analytical part of community plans of social services on the basis of precise data collection, but also to create a tool for other municipalities, which will also be used in social workers.Thanks to the analysis of social services community plans of  30 largest municipalities, the PP have identified weaknesses, tested their procedures (also with the involvement of innovative methods - such as an emotional map and created a manual. Subsequently, we implemented community planning of social services in the Bratislava-Karlova Ves district and on the basis of data obtained within the participants. process (questionnaire survey on a sample of more than 1000 respondents, 4 focus groups, 4 emotional maps, 10 semi-structured interviews, 3 public presentations, continuous feedback system via email), demographic analysis, statistical analysis of data from the local authority, social insurance, city police etc ., desk research, we have prepared an analytical part of the community plan of social services in the Bratislava Karlova Ves district. The manual was distributed by the Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia to all local governments and will be used as teaching material at the Department of Social Work at Trnava University, it will also be used by members of the Association of Social workers. The PP also conducted a targeted communication campaign, which created video and animated video, and through direct mail marketing we reached stakeholders (46) in the field of social affairs.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.