Object-lens 21: Young reporters for civil society

Project facts

Project promoter:
Centrum enviromentalnych aktivit(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


Generally, young people in Slovakia know that they would like to do something more for themselves and the planet, but many times they do not know how to do it. In many cases, they misinterpret individual media outcomes, which lead to wrong decisions. On the other hand, media education in schools is mostly missing or failing to reach the required level. The project, Object-lens 21: Young reporters for civil society, responds to the need to develop media and civic literacy of pupils in schools. 

The project contributes to the media skills of the youth by creating a methodological handbook for the 2nd grade of primary school, which deals with the topic of civic participation, climate change, city planning, waste and the question of where to turn if we encounter any problem in society. Each package will include a short video and methodological material, focusing on classroom work and interactive activities.

The project intends to help the teachers through the creation of interactive teaching programs. These programs will be tested as pilot programs in 5 schools with the involvement of trained teachers. Pupils can thus learn how to "read" media, why is it important investigative journalism and how they can create and publish their own a reports (notice boards, school web, online regional media). Students and teachers of the participating schools can take part in workshops, and young people over 15 years old can participate in a 5-day reportage mission. The participants of the project try to involve at least 10 schools during the duration of the whole project. 

The project aims to increase the media literacy of young people through interesting reportage activities and encourage youth towards a greater interest in the world around them (civil participation or environment). The project focuses on the youth while trying to inspire them to implement small projects in their surroundings and improve their media skills.

Summary of project results

The OBJECTIVE 21 project was implemented to help teachers better educate for the 21st century on: climate change, Zero Waste, spatial planning, mindfulness and civic participation. The organization developed three handbooks for students -  ARTICLE / PHOTO / VIDEO, organized a 5-day mission in the form of intensive training of future program leaders, in three open calls, motivated young people to publish environmental articles on social networks. The results of the project were presented by the organization at an inspiring online conference OBJECTIVE 21, which was attended by 100 participants, half of them teachers.


The outputs of the project are: 1. Educational online platform Manual 21 - we teach for the 21st century - in cooperation with 5 pilot schools. 6-minute videos and 6-7 activities were created for each topic, which provide the student with practical skills in the field of environmental protection, media production and active citizenship. working and methodological sheets are also used. 2. Three handbooks for pupils- HOW TO REPORT ARTICLE / PHOTO / VIDEO.3. 5-day mission in the White Carpathians - the project implementers organized a 5-day mission in the White Carpathians, in the form of intensive training of future program leaders, followed by a press conference. The project implementers motivated young people to publish environmental papers on three social calls in three open calls. To the competition Heat, warmer, you''re burning! students submitted 60 works. 4. The outputs of the project were presented at an inspiring online conference OBJECTIVE 21, which was attended by 100 participants, half of them teachers.5. The program was also made more visible by the publication of the two-page journal in the SME daily. At the same time, an informal platform for YRE fans to create a newsletter was created. 6. The project implementers completed a 10-hour training with a mentor and prepared a manual for brand development (communication strategy and visual identity of the program). They also made a promo video about the program, which shows the benefits of the program from the point of view of students, teachers and school principals.


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.