Active citizens as a basis for a well-functioning state

Project facts

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Active citizens are the foundation of a functioning democratic state. The project supports the citizens interested in being part of the decision-making processes, in their attempt to positively affect the public affairs. Despite the interest of people, there are many barriers. For example, some laws and administrative processes are unclear and also there is a lack of functioning tools helping people participate (petitions).

The project aims to encourage the widest possible participation of individuals, informal local initiatives and functioning civic associations in decision-making processes. It also aims at strengthening the legal skills of the active public, providing professional legal advice and creating a reliable and privacy policy of a secure petition website that enables the public to be effectively activated.

The main tasks are the creation of a petition website and expert advice to strengthen public skills. Information seminars and educational events will also take place, in which determined people will learn more about the functioning of the petition website or other activities related to their activities.

Besides focusing on active citizens participating in policy-making and civil society activities, the project is working on motivating non-participants (citizens who are not involved in public affairs yet) to be involved in the public affairs and policy-making, too.

Summary of project results

One of the hallmarks of an advanced democracy is considered to be an active and well-developed civil society. Active citizens interested in what is happening in their surroundings, municipality or state are the best advocates of the public interest. The aim of the project was to provide active citizens with legal means and tools for participation.

Overview of implemented activities: Ensuring the provision of legal aid to 113 organizations/individuals, especially in the areas of self-government, use of the Act on Free Access to Information, environmental protection. Counseling has improved citizens'' legal skills and encouraged further civic engagement. In the spring of 2020, at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic the project promoters tried to help and provide expert legal advice, demonstrating the importance of NGOs. The legislative activities of the government were monitored and the VIA IURIS participated in the creation of 4 laws, specifically prepared a statement for the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic on the theses of the prepared Building Act, the draft Construction Act and the Spatial Planning Act; etc. They also prepared a statement of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic on the National Report on the Implementation of the Aarhus Convention. The website was created to allow the publication of petitions and calls for signatures in accordance with current legislation. It is a practical tool, legally and technically secure, by which the (active) citizens can influence public affairs. The success and sustainability of this tool is confirmed by 19 published signature shares in 2 months from its full activating.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.